Colour photogram, 24x30,5 cm Unique
Colour photogram, 24x30,5 cm Unique
Colour photogram, 24x30,5 cm Unique
Colour photogram, 24x30,5 cm Unique
Colour photogram, 24x30,5 cm Unique
Colour photogram, 24x30,5 cm Unique
Colour photogram, 24x30,5 cm Unique
Colour photogram, 24x30,5 cm Unique
Colour photogram, 24x30,5 cm Unique
At the end of the 19th century, everything in the world was treated separately as incompatible with wave and particle. But theoretically the mathematical interpretation of the duality of light, that is, Heisenberg's matrix mechanics in discrete terms and Schrödinger's the continuous wave equation indicates that both demonstrate the same thing. Experimentally Thomas Young's famous double-slit experiment also shows the fact that light is particle and wave at the same time. Consequently, incompatibility of two properties occurred because particle nature is a concept of matter with existential reality, is localized in space and wave nature is a property that spreads throughout the area without being existent.
When observed, it shows a kind of paradox phenomenon that is always seen only with particles. It is measured solely on the side of the particle or on the bottom of the wave. According to Nils Bohr's law of complementarity, the more one tries to clarify the granularity of the object, the less visible the vibration of the object becomes. It suggests that all properties of physical reality are complementary(conjugate)pairs. Thus, the physical reality is defined and determined by the process of clarifying the paired physical quantities within limits established by the complementary attributes. In other words, the world describes as two or more complementary frame. The world described by two or more frameworks cannot be said to exist independently of the observer because the results are different depending on which structure presupposes the observation. Observation is not about the absolute property of an object, but about the relative property of the reel.
The Project "Dual Space and Time "(2019) interplays with the duality of light and acts on the imagination over the simultaneous union of the two properties of light. The term "dual space "has two meanings in this respect. The first one is the duality of light itself, namely particle space and wave space that interact independently with each other. The other one which derives from the mathematical term, in which vector space has a corresponding dual space consisting of all linear functionals and the vector space and dual space are isomorphic in Infinite-dimension. It depicts isomorphism between the space of particle and wave, and pictured hypothetical space where the duality of light freely diffuse.